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Secondary Containment & Tank Linings

Chemical intrusion through concrete and cracks in concrete is controlled by use of chemical resistant surfacings and linings and various treatments. IIS is able to determine an appropriate secondary containment lining system to satisfy your plant’s needs and keep your plant in conformance with governmental regulations.

Primary containment and tank lining systems require the most stringent design and installation requirements, because the linings are always under immersion. Weaknesses in design, selection and application often result in failure because problems become magnified for exposures under immersion. IIS understands the significance of attention to detail from design to installation and takes meticulous measures for quality control throughout the process.


  1. Crack-bridging linings
  2. Corrosion-proof linings
  3. Flake-filled coatings


  1. Substrate repairs and sandblasting
  2. Linings: Corrosion-proof; NSF; FDA; USDA
  3. Fabric and mat lay-up systems
  4. Flake-filled systems


Acid Brick

Exterior Protective Coatings